Marketing Message to Live By!

No Excuses….Don’t Stop Living” is the message that Hector Picard lives by every day. In 1992, Hector was involved in a work related accident that left him a double amputee. He could and probably deserved to sit back and feel sorry for what had happened to him. But no! He takes his “No excuses… Don’t Stop Living” message and “I Will” attitude to heart and shares it with the world. Hector promotes himself and his organization;” No excuses….Don’t Stop Living” by using social media; his website and facebook page. He also is promoting himself by doing!

Yes, doing. Hector without arms, competes in Triathlons and has completed 3 Iron Man competitions. Hector has garnered quite a following of fans and supporters that attend Triathlons and such to cheer him on. Hector doesn’t stop there; he shares his life’s story as a motivational speaker. According to his wife Wendy, he especially likes to speak to children and show them how it is possible to overcome challenges.

Hector and group leaving Markham Park Hector, Gail, Tony, Susan and Tj in Clewiston Tony resting Tony and Tj Almost to Day 1 destination Hector, Susan and Tony arriving in Clewiston

In addition to sharing his life’s story, Hector is giving back to another like him. He has started a 3200 mile journey to help another; Baby Jameson. Baby Jameson was born on April 12, 2012 with no hands and forearms. Prosthetics are very expense and Jameson will need a new set every couple months. Unfortunately, insurance often doesn’t completely cover the cost. That is others such as Hector come in. Hector is on a journey to raise funds for Jameson by biking across the country from Miami, Florida to Spokane, Washington.

Hector began his journey to Washington on June 8, 2013. My husband Tony, COO of and a Graphic Designer from Signature Printing and his son, TJ along with others from various cycling groups joined Hector on the leg from Markham Park in Sunrise to South Bay. I followed as a chase vehicle behind the group for safety reasons. Watching the group as speeding cars and semi-trucks go zooming by, has given me a new appreciation for cyclist and the dangers they face on the open road. It also reminds me how physically fit one must be, even with 2 arms and hands to ride those kinds of distances. But to ride without arms and hands as Hector does, just goes to show the physical strengthen and determination he has. What an inspiration he is. Along with his “No excuses” attitude, there is also an “I Will” attitude that matches his sponsor: “I Will” Foundation.

It is that “I Will” attitude and inspiration that has gotten me thinking. It is that attitude that I need to remember on my bad days. The days when I can’t get out of bed because I am so stiff and in pain. It is that “I Will” attitude that I hope to remember to help me to keep going. As a person with Rheumatoid Arthritis, there are days that I am so sore and stiff that it is very difficult to get out of bed and do normal things. I am told these “flare ups” or bad days are part of living with Rheumatoid arthritis. And I am learning to live with this disease, but realize that the physical mind often has power over the physical body. And since I cannot often control my body, I can however, control my mind and attitude.

Everyone has bad days or times in their lives; days when nothing goes right or facing some kind of obstacles that seems insurmountable. So instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, one can turn to spiritual comfort as I often do. But now, I can also think of Hector, at what he has overcome and continues to do. And the next time I start thinking “poor me, why me”. I can think of Hector’s “I Will, No excuses” attitude, snap myself out of it, get up out of bed and “Don’t Stop Living”!!!

Thank you & God Bless Hector!!!

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